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Costa Rica Diving with High Sierra Divers
Costa Rica Diving
Dreaming of an Unforgettable Getaway?
A Costa Rica Adventure Trip is Your Answer!


Although Costa Rica is roughly 1/4 the size of Florida, it is filled with an amazing abundance and diversity of life, both above and below the water. While the country is known primarily as an "eco-tourist" destination, boasting lush rainforests, active volcanoes and ecological wealth; the Pacific coast diving should not be overlooked. The oceans around Costa Rica are overflowing with fish and marine life, big and small. In addition to diving, Costa Rica is also known as a big-game fishing destination.

Costa Rica, in the heart of Central America, is bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the West and the Caribbean Sea to the East, with a distance of 200 miles between them. Although it is bordered by Nicaragua to the North and Panama to the South, Costa Rica is an oasis of calm among its turbulent neighbors. It is of the best places to experience the tropics with minimal impact. Costa Rica's enlightened approach to conservation has ensured that their lush jungles remain the home of monkeys, toucans, colorful poison-dart frogs and an assortment of exotic birds, insects and butterflies. The outside temperature at the beaches is 85 degrees to 90 degrees year round. The rainy (or green) season runs from May to November.

Diving in Costa Rica
Covering only .03% of the surface of the planet, Costa Rica has approximately 6% of the world's biodiversity .. and much of that can be seen beneath the seas. Seahorses, frogfish, sea turtles, giant schools of fish, and white-tip reef sharks are just a few of the exciting creatures that you are likely to encounter. But the real draw to diving in these cooler, nutrient-rich waters is the opportunity to see pelagics: schooling rays (golden cow nose, mantas, and spotted eagle), spinner dolphins, humpback whales, pilot whales and whale sharks. There are over 20 local dive sites around the Gulfo de Papagayo within a 30 minute boat ride from shore. However, for advanced divers, Bat and Catalina Islands are must-dives. These islands are approx. 1-2 hours by boat, but the chances of seeing The Big Boys - bull sharks, white-tip sharks, schools of cow-nosed rays and huge schools of horse-eye jacks are much greater. In addition, there have been sightings of schools of over 50 manta rays with 14-20 foot wingspans.

Average visibility ranges from 30 feet to 50 feet with the possibility of up to 80 feet. Dives are among volcanic rock formations and rock pinnacles. There is very little hard coral, although you will see black coral, soft coral and orange cup coral (opens up at night). Water temperature from mid-May to mid-December is generally from 75-78 degrees Fahrenheit at depth. From mid-December to mid-April, water temperatures vary from day to day, with thermo clines causing temperatures to dip to 70 degrees at so make sure you bring appropriate exposure protection.

Best Time to Travel:
Plan your dive trip between May and December for warmer waters, or go from December to March for big animal encounters.

Location and Size
Costa Rica is located in Central America, bordering both the Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, between Nicaragua (to the north) and Panama (to the south). Costa Rica encompasses a total of 31,752 square miles (51,100 square kilometers) - slightly smaller than West Virginia. The highest point is Cerro Chirripo at 12,532 feet (3,810 meters).

Passport and/or Visa Requirements
Citizens of the United States may visit Costa Rica for a maximum of 90 days. No visa is necessary, but you must have a valid passport, which you should carry with you at all times while you're in Costa Rica. Departure tax is $26, can be paid in US dollars, Costa Rican colones or with a credit card.

Electricity, Telephone and Internet Access
The standard in Costa Rica is the same as in the United States: 110 volts AC (60 cycles). However, three-pronged outlets can be scarce, so it's helpful to bring along an adapter. Costa Rica has an excellent phone system, with a dial tone similar to that heard in the United States. A phone call within Costa Rica costs around 10 colones (3 cents) per minute. Internet cafes are gaining popularity and can be found all over San Jose and at most major tourist destinations in Costa Rica. Many hotels either have their own Internet cafe or allow guests to send and receive e-mail.

Water Quality
Although the water in San Jose is generally safe to drink, water quality varies outside the city. It would be best to drink bottled water and avoid ice.

Language & Currency
Spanish is the official language of Costa Rica. However, in most tourist areas, you'll be surprised by how well Costa Ricans speak English. The Costa Rican currency is called the colon. US dollars and major credit cards are widely accepted.

Costa Rica is on Central Standard Time (same as Chicago and St. Louis), 6 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time. Costa Rica does not use daylight saving time, so the time difference is an additional hour April through October.

History, Art, and Culture
Costa Rican culture is in many ways a reflection of its racial diversity. The predominant influence has long been European, which is reflected in everything from the official language -- Spanish -- to the architecture of the country's churches and other historic buildings. The indigenous influence is less visible, but can be found in everything from the tortillas that make part of a typical Costa Rican meal, to the handmade ceramics sold at roadside stands.

An important aspect of Costa Rica's cultural legacy is their love for peace and democracy. The Ticos like to stand out that their nation is the exception in Latin America, where military dictatorships have long dominated politics.
They take pride in having more than one hundred years of democratic tradition, and almost half a century without an army. The army was abolished in 1948, and the money the country saves by not expending in military issues is invested in improving the Costa Ricans' standard of living. The literacy rate is high, as are medical standards and facilities. When former Costa Rican president Oscar Arias Sanchez was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating a peace settlement in Central America in 1987, Costa Rica was able to claim credit for exporting a bit of its own political stability to the rest of the region.

Approximately 4 million